The EYFS is a UK government framework that sets out welfare and development goals for children aged five and under. The development sections covered within EYFS are separated into the following seven key learning areas:
Prime Areas of Development and Learning:
1. Communication and Language
3. Personal Social and Emotional Development
Specific Areas of Development and Learning:
4. Literacy
5. Mathematics
6. Understanding of the World
7. Expressive Arts
The four themes of the Early Years Foundation Stage underpin all of the planning, observation and assessment of individuals, these themes are:
A unique child
Enabling environments
Learning and development
(The first three themes ensure the fourth – Learning and Development)
Key aspects of effective learning characteristics include children:
Being willing to have a go
Being involved and concentrating
Having their own ideas
Choosing ways to do things
Finding new ways
Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
A developmental curriculum, this program recognizes and allows for each child to progress at their individual pace in each area of the seven areas of development. It provides firm foundations from which children move into the National Curriculum for England in Year One.