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Kent College Pastoral Care

Your child will feel confident, valued and involved

Our pastoral system creates a caring family community, in which every individual child and school community members’ wellbeing is nurtured and nourished. The Kent College community is one in which all of our pupils feel secure and supported so that they grow and reach their full potential.

This outstanding British school will ensure that your child will feel safe, happy, valued and involved so as to have the confidence to face challenges and strive to exceed their potential. At Kent College West Cairo everyone cares for and encourages each other. Our school is a community of love and support, where every pupil knows where to go for support and feels safe and secure to do so.


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Pastoral Structure

Our pastoral structure is designed to give all pupils the support they need from the start of their school career to the day they leave. Our mission is always be pupil-centered and to focus on enabling every child to become the best they can be. Pastoral care is at the heart of what we do.


Tutor System

Our tutor system ensures that any potential issues or problems are identified and dealt with early by our caring and qualified well-being ambassadors. 

Across the whole school, Heads of Year will work closely with class teachers or form tutors in building strong relationships with our parents. We highly value and encourage these links between home and school and as such, we maintain regular and personal contact with each family.


Competitive Houses

The four competitive School Houses form another important part of the pastoral life of the whole school. All pupils and staff of the Senior School belong to one of these Houses, which are called Augustine, Becket, Chaucer and Marlowe.

Each House has a staff and a pupil Head. The Heads of the Houses, together with their pupil committees, organize a wide variety of House competitions and activities, and all pupils are encouraged to participate in these. In addition, pupils may earn House points for academic and extra-curricular merit, all of which contribute to the inter-House competition. Each term a cup is awarded in Final Assembly to the school House with the most House points for that term.

Pupils take great pride in representing their school House. Everyone in a Tutor Group is in the same House, and girls wear House badges, while boys wear House ties. House competitions range from drama and music, to chess, problem-solving, photography, sport, art and spelling bees.


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